Archive for March, 2006

It’s a Circus related week!
I took the Girls to the circus this weekend. They had fun.. M has been bugging us to go to the circus for 6 months now, and she finally got to go.. She was so happy! H was reading a book the whole way there, and insisted in taking it in with her.. I chided her and said “when are you going to read it?? It’s the CIRCUS for goodness sake!”.
Well. She showed me. We were in line for about 20 minutes waiting, waiting, waiting..Zzzz.
H had no problem. You know what SHE was doing.

A couple neat videos you have to see.. First, the (silly) circus strong man.. I really just don’t know how he does this. Its pretty amazing. Where is his center of gravity? I just don’t know what he is doing inside there. Click here for QuickTime video (about 2.3Mb.. Not too bad.)
And here, for the Grande Finale is spider girl out of a cannon.. Much more exciting in person. The video takes a little of the danger out of it.
Click here for QuickTime video (about 1.6Mb)
In between was the regular circus shlock… All in good fun. I feel lucky to have escaped with a total outlay of 10$.. A water and a snocone for M, and a snocone and a popcorn for H.. And free tickets thanks to the television station..

I said this was a circus related post.. I purchased a giraffe Unicycle on eBay! A deal at $51 the thing is practically new.

Its easier to ride than it looks, but I have to learn how to mount it without climbing up on and holding on to a fence or some such. And, its a higher drop than it looks like when you fall off too! heh.

And finally, for the last Circus related item of the day, My maintainance guy at work, Ed, has a brother in law that has a barn filled with stuff. He told me one day a long time ago..”Hey, he has a popcorn machine in there.. He’s looking to dump it. You want it?” I said “Sure, I’d take a look at it” figuring it was nothing special. But when I got there.. Wow, it was a full blown 12oz Gold Medal “gay 90’s” with the cart!

For free! I have a pretty major clean up job to do, but hey.. It’s cool. Don’t know what I’m going to do with it, but… Well.. It’s cool! Dad would have killed to have this thing 20 years ago.

Posted on 28 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

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Posted on 27 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

Last weekend H was one of just a few students from NAE to have her art displayed at a art show at the high school. Good Job H!

The Girls and R went to Savannah for the weekend to let me get the living room finished. They went with K’s friend Velina from town and her kids. (Velina’s husband Steve was busy working on their house.)
Gotta take a picture of all of them.. It’s required, no?

Here is H posing for the camera.


R took his truck with him to the beach. K said he had a blast with it. He played with it the whole time.

Posted on 27 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

this is an audio post - click to play

The Irony of this is I don’t have speakers on my computer at home..

Posted on 25 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

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Posted on 23 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

Here is a interesting thing… Blogger offers a new service where you can call a phone number, and leave a audio message on your blog. For those of you with blogger blogs, go to

this is an audio post - click to play

Posted on 23 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

I added those tickers, just to show it could be done.. But ill have to remove them.. They break the page if you are using the firefox browser, and I don’t like the advertising.

but its sorta neat anyway.

Posted on 21 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

H had choir practice this weekend. She does not look very enthusiastic this time…

Here we are hanging out watching teevee. America’s Funniest Home videos if I’m not mistaken. Pretty funny.. I would like to see “real people” again. Perhaps they will be downloadable in the future?

Here is M being a movies star

Here is R being a movie star, with M’s help… R is M’s plaything. She drags him around and dresses him up and climbs on him.. He just keeps coming back for more with a smile.

M has a habit (its turning into a bad habit) of piling up “stuff” in little piles, in random places. It’s worth a study, actually. I guess I have to start taking pictures of the piles.. Sometimes they are interesting. Like this one.

Posted on 20 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

H lost another tooth. I think she has a relationship with the tooth fairy now… She is always drawing her pictures and writing her notes. I copied these before she put them under her pillow.

M just cant seem to make a silly face.. No matter how hard she tries, she just comes out cute.

There was a St Patrick day parade at M’s school today.

M getting dressed for the parade.

And, today was western day at H’s school.

It was also write night tonight. We went to school, and the kids got to publicly read a story they wrote. I wish I had a picture of the actual story, because it’s really good… Very imaginative.. She even mentions a “tavern”.. Where she got that? hmm. Don’t know. Click here for a short QuickTime video of H reading her story. Sorta big.. 5Meg.

Posted on 16 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

Here is an interesting postcard. It’s pretty popular.. You can find one on sale at ebay every other week or so. I have no idea of any connection to our line.

Posted on 14 March '06 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.