Hannah notes from the second day of School.


  • She has to take public transportation to school each morning. The busses run off electricity, with wires above for them. All of the kids take public transport.
  • She has 15, 20 minutes between classes.
  • They have almost 2 hours for lunch. Evidentally, even though they have a cafeteria, they often leave campus and go to a cafe or grocery.
  • Some kids even take the bus back home to eat.
  • Her maths look framiar. She might be repeating a little.
  • Music class was also framiliar. That seemed like it might be comforting.
  • She is behind on German knowledge, but does not feel too behind, and endevors to catch up.
  • The Maths teacher says they will be learning some Python at the end of the year! I thought this was genius, and very smart of the school.
  • She has an “IT” class.
  • The school is BIG. 4 floors. “Oh, I am sorry, 3 floors above the ground floor” lol. Multiple buildings.
  • ~1500 students in the school? But her class size is ~20 people, and they all attend the same classes thougout the day. (? not sure how that works)

Posted on 19 August '14 by , under school.