
Doesn’t everyone have a top hat laying around?

I brought a IPad home from work to mess with (don’t bother buying one, its pretty much just a toy) and thought this was an interesting picture taken with ambient light.

Rockwell’s soccer team had its awards thing last weekend. The adults played the kids in soccer.. Man, that was fun. The team was undefeated the whole season.. not that the parents are counting or anything..(!)
I do have to say this.. The coach rarely raised his voice or yelled. I suppose its easier when you are always winning, but I was impressed by it anyway. The other teams coach was always belting out commands, sometimes with (bad) attitude, and you rarely even heard our coach.

I’m just not sure what Rockwell was doing here. Other than trying to impress his sisters.

Posted on 22 May '10 by , under Activities, kids. No Comments.


We visited Arthur’s house this afternoon for dinner. Afterword, he showed me his new hand cranked flour mill that he traded with a client for writing up a will. (You gotta love a lawyer that barters.) He just happened to have some Rye grain in the freezer, so we cracked ourselves some rye grain.

Making flour!

Here are the kids in the process.. sorry, i did not get any video of them actually cranking it, just re loading it to make it a little finer.

We made Rye biscuits afterwords. They were not the best biscuits in the world, but Rockwell and Melinda liked them!

Rockwell Eating a rye buscuit.

Rockwell Eating a rye buscuit.

Posted on 16 April '10 by , under Activities. No Comments.

Blast from the past.

I told Arthur how I had a video of the kids gathering grapes and pressing them in his press in 2003. He really wanted me to upload it, so, I figured out how to rip a DVD this evening. 🙂
So, here it is: The great grape press of 2003. Its fun to see the kids so young. They are growing up so fast!

Posted on 16 April '10 by , under Activities. No Comments.