Summer activities

Melinda, Rockwell and I took a nice ride yesterday afternoon. Hannah was disappointed that I waited until she got out of the shower to ask if we wanted to go for a ride… Oops. sorry.



Yesterday morning we went to the Zoo in Columbia.. It changed a LOT in the last couple years! We met Christine there and dropped Ethan off.. We also had a lot of fun checking out the “new” zoo.




Cool Nannyrama shot in the penguin house.




Saturday Melinda and I went to the Paddlefest. Its a river event that benefits the Savannah River Keepers.  It rained half the way.. but it was still fun. Couldn’t get any pics in the rapids… because…




It looks like she is not paddling, but for some reason that is how she held the paddle.




Rockwell attended his first Hackathon. He and a friend built a “voltorb”.. Did not quite compete it unfortunately. But He got some time in with a razor knife!




Some interesting cleanup from when the girls plasma cut out the letters for the Little Library.




And someone added some books!




Melinda’s first time at Soup Kitchen… The other girls (Hannah and Amber really) gave her cruddy jobs.. so she did not enjoy herself… I guess it was a initiation.




Last weekend we went to the Saturday morning street fair in Augusta on 8th street.


Posted on 4 August '14 by , under Activities, makerspace, projects. No Comments.

Busy last few days.

Let’s see.

Hannah, Amber and Dale, went to the Barnum and Bailey circus at the James brown arena on Thursday. I think this is the fourth year in a row that Hannah and her friend went to that. It’s a tradition now i guess. As long as the free tickets from work keep coming at least.


Friday was busy! After 5p was the First Friday Hackathon at . This month, we actually had two other regional hacker spaces participate remotely though Google hangout. That was neat. We are going to try and spread the First Friday Hackathon idea across the globe, so, if you see one, you know it started at our little space in Augusta here.

Later than night, Hannah and I went to Improv night at Le Chatnoir. That was pretty amazing. funny! We will do that again someday.

Then, after that we stopped at the James brown statue and took our picture and then to a little place called “knuckle sandwiches” which, appropriately enough, has awesome sandwiches, and is open late.

This evening, Hannah and I  went to the Augusta Arts Council “Wet Paint Party and auction”. They had a vintage clothing runway show, and we actually won a auction on one of the paintings. That was fun.

Hannah got to meet Ga representative John Barrow.


My friends “txtcam” was there…



Here is the piece of art we purchased. It’s actually an original acrylic… I really liked it, and Hannah did too. It’s called “Lady Scientist”.


Posted on 9 February '14 by , under Activities. No Comments.