Archive for July, 2004

Well, I guess I have to write more and make pictures less. My camera is on the fritz. But before it went on the blink, I did take some pictures this holiday weekend.

For instance, here are the little ones in their patriotic clothes that their aunt V sent them (notice the sizes are in order! I like little touches like that)

As the night wore on, and we drank more beer, we were caught in funny poses like Grandma A here…

We also purchased 40 pounds of oysters for the occasion. MMM MM don’t these look good!?

K’s little sister got a tattoo on her back.. She designed it herself. Do you recognize what it is?

H is getting a new tooth in, and the other two teeth around it are loose now! Perhaps this time she wont have to write a letter to the tooth fairy!

Just a picture of H hanging out. She is really growing up. She is finding attitude and humor quickly.

And here is a picture I took after my camera went on the fritz.. It only focuses close now.. I had never seen a coin like this before. It’s exactly 100 years old this year!

Does any one know the denomination of it?

Posted on 5 July '04 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

Well, we have signed up H to go to the “Mxxx Vxxx preparatory School”. H at a prep school. It sounds more bizarre than it is. MVPS is a public Charter school, teaching the “CORE Knowledge” concept. It seems like a viable idea. We are not 100% on it yet. If anyone has any input, feel free to visit the forum and let us know.

On another note, while K was researching the White Cloud debacle, she came upon a Hilarious Website This guy writes letters to corporations and others asking them questions… They are semi legitimate questions, but unmistakably (or mistakable??) funny. The responses are funny in their seriousness.

I laughed.

We were supposed to go to an outdoor concert tonight, but it was called off because it looked like it was going to rain.

It didn’t rain.

Posted on 2 July '04 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.