Archive for November, 2014

BMX slo-mo

A couple of videos I should have posted earlier..

Here is a great one of Rockwell going over the step up..

and here is one of a crash.. Rockwell changed his mind a little late! He was going to jump it.. and then decided to manual it.. Glad he landed on the OTHER side of the hill.. crashing into the front of the hill would have HURT. Notice he is clipped in. That’s how he rides now. He seems comfortable with it.

Posted on 24 November '14 by , under BMX. No Comments.

Fall things.

The ginko tree dropped ALL of it’s leaves in a 24 hour period.. It was weird watching it. The weather was perfectly still, but leaves would fall. If they where high and hit other leaves, they would cause a cascade. I sat and watching it for a while. Next year I would love to catch it with a time laps camera. ginko14

The kids messing around in the back yard, making a dreary fall day a little less dreary.

Took some of the kids to go see (fill in this space). The chipmunks have been around for ages. Figured we would take a pic with them.

Yah, Europe really knows how to do a Advent calendar right. Their Advent calendars put our lame selection to shame.

Posted on 23 November '14 by , under chickens, seasons. No Comments.

November Activities

Last weekend was the North Augusta Elementary Fun Fair. Arturo borrowed the Cotton candy machine and represented the young Makers. It was fun!

Of course we attended!

And, I saw my life flash before my eyes… My chain fell off my fixed gear bike, locked up the back wheel while I was going fast.. downhill. fast enough that the tire popped from the skid before I stopped (!)

The also had a sumobot competition that we attended. It was fun. We probably should have participated.

And of course, more BMX! Rockwell concentrating on the gate. He is getting faster every time he goes.

And here are the girls. Melinda has been improving too.. when they started, their track time was almost 2 minutes. Now they are right under 60 seconds.. that is only 15 seconds slower than the pros.

Rockwell wanted me to wrap him up in some packing wrap.. I wrapped his head instead!

Hmm. I guess Rockwell’s Hair is getting sort of long.

And we had the Elections recently.. Do ya’ think I live in a republican area?

Our Friend Raven had her Bat mitzvah! It was an impressive ceremony, and we had fun afterwords.

Melinda Practicing her Violin!

The girls just being silly. This was the night of the Sumobot competition.

Melinda on her Monday night Horse riding practice.

Melinda has been going to Confirmation.. The pre-class game was where you put shaving cream on your face and try to catch the most Cheetos in it thrown by your teammate from at least 2 feet away. Harder than it seems!! She won though…

Melinda has been taking Art classes on Saturday Morning. This Saturday morning Rockwell and I went to a BMX race in Lexington County while Melinda wen to a friends Birthday party. I managed to Crash hard into Rockwell’s back wheel while practicing.. and messed both of us up. Hard enough to untrue his back wheel.. uugh.

Posted on 23 November '14 by , under BMX, seasons. No Comments.

Ridiculous amount of activities. Halloween activites.

So, I couple weeks ago when I said we couldnt beat the amount of activities we had that weekend? It appears we did, we have, and might even again next week. What a fall season! We started by going to the SEED event at the Aiken Tech Ruth Patric Science center. We participated with a table about Technology and 3 D printers.

My Friend Vinnie was showing some kids how his “Usless machine” works here.seed22014

Then we went to the Greek Festival

…and Purchased some “Feta Fries” Our favorite thing at the fest, a few years running.

Then we went to a BMX race, later that day. There was something else sunday I want to say.. I will edit this when I remember it. 🙂

Then, the next weekend, we went to the Plantation Blood Haunted house with some friends.

And met some new friends I guess…

We purchased some Pumpkins for a party we where going to later that night..

And one of the spinning ride at the Jackolantern Jubillee

And here are some of the finished products.. Rockwell’s is on the left. It’s a ghost.

Playing with the haunted fountain…

THen we went to another Haunted house, here in North Augusta.

All of us being silly in line.

This weekend, Melinda went to a Halloween party at a friends house with her friend Raven. Check out the crazy eye makeup!!

And then went to Plantation blood AGAIN.. This time it was for a tech walk though where we taught the young makers how the inner workings of a haunted house works. This was the group that went with us.


Then later that night, they where invited to come back to go though the haunt again.. This time, Melinda knew where all the cameras where hidden, so she posed in front of them while everyone else was scared of stuff jumping out at them. I think this is HILARIOUS.

Yet more zombies hugging my 13yo. Raven’s mom went with us.

And finally, a couple non Holloween related things..
First, Melinda was chosen to be the mock election campeign manager for Vincent Sheheen, the democrat candidate in SC.

Yet another picture I caught of her reading.. I like these because.. just because.

Posted on 3 November '14 by , under Activities, seasons. No Comments.