Fall fun in SC

Well, here are some of the things we do in SC in the fall.

Melinda is a cheer leader for the “Cowboys” football team. She is the “flyer”. That’s to say, the one that gets to be on the top of the pyramid. I guess that is special!
Video of Melinda at the Cheer gathering after the final games.

I caught Rockwell playing in the tree house singing a familiar song, so I asked him to sing it again..
Video of Rockwell in the treehouse

Melinda and I built another contraption.. Melinda called this one the “tri-mo-cycle”.. seemed appropriate. this video shows it in action, but, no kidding, the battery is almost dead, you should see it go with a full battery! (12 volts to 6 volt motors). Hannah came out around this time and Melinda told her the name of it. Hannah said “What? Trauma cycle!?”

OK, I cant help but think of that now…! 🙂
Video of Melindas “trimocycle”

Posted on 7 November '10 by , under Activities, seasons. No Comments.