Just what I need; Another Project.

I just couldn’t pass it up. Its a anomaly, an oddity. Its a small electric car that is street legal. It is fully titled as a motor vehicle. All I need to do is fix the brakes, and buy 6, 6volt batteries.
Kathi threatened Hannah with making it her first car.
Its a 1974 Citicar. Believe it or not, Thousands of them were sold in the 70’s. But then in the late 70’s, they were found to be unsafe, and that pretty much killed the company. But it will go anywhere as long as you don’t have to get there faster thqan40mph, and as long as its not more than a 40 mile trip. I’m guessing the actual performance is not quite that good, but it should be fun no matter.

Posted on 20 May '11 by , under projects. 4 Comments.