
We love visitors. Greg, Julia, AnneMarie, and Charlie came by for a couple days on their way back from visiting Charleston. We are really glad they stopped by! We went out for dinner, and went to church together on Easter morning, and Julia and I even got a chance to run 3 miles. (I think Julia will be looking for some hills in the future.)
It was a really good visit. Looking forward to that visit from Steph and Mauro and fam…
I also think that Charlie should get some Chickens. Those birds got a lot of attention (and food) from Charlie. It’s almost like (my) Melinda was back in town! Oh, and I think the waffle in charlies hand in the picture got licked by gigi about .5 seconds after this picture was taken!


Posted on 1 April '13 by , under Activities, chickens, Messages to friends and relatives.. 1 Comment.