Exams over.

So, Hannah Kept her All A’s average.
She aced that math test like she thought. She said she got A’s on all her exams except English. She got a 88% on that one, but she was able to keep her 93% (I’ve been corrected..:) 94% average (by a hair!) in that class. She was the only one in her science class to get a A on the final.. that had to feel pretty Good!
But importantly, she has been working on studying, so I give her a high grade on “effort”.

Good Job Hannah!

Posted on 22 December '12 by , under school. 2 Comments.

Exam Time.

Dad: “So how did tests go today?”
Hannah: ” Eh. No problem. The ones tomorrow are what I’m concerned about.”
D: “What tests were today?”
H: “Math.”
D: “How did it go?”
H: “Too easy. Pretty sure I aced it”

I like to hear that.
She is really studying too. She has stacks of flashcards! She even made flashcards for gym(PE, whatever)…

It’s English she is sweating. She wants to keep that A pretty badly. If the effort she has put into it is any indication, she will do fine. Good luck Hannah.

Posted on 19 December '12 by , under school. 2 Comments.