OMg busy

These last few days have been ridiculous. Thursday I had to bring the cotton candy machine to school and help some PTO people start making 700 (!) cotton candies as a treat for Science and math day, I had a bunch of stuff to do at work, and a Board meeting. Friday I had more stuff at work, And a science and math day presentation (I presented a demonstration on electricity to the third graders. A couple of them said it was their favorite of the day.. yay). And this morning? OMgoodness, A hot sunburnt day doing cotton candy (again) for the carnival. Put a fork in me, I’m done. So is Kathi.. she went out and collected a mother-load of donations from small businesses around town. She probably raised a good 400$ or more for the teachers.
Go here for a whole Album of pictures from the carnival

<parental boasting mode>

Hannah had a “solo ensemble” at Aiken High School, where she had to play her Bassoon in front of judges. She got a perfect grade in the solo, and one point off a perfect grade in the Duet. In other words, she is doing well for her first year in the instrument.

Hannah made me happy this afternoon. She was looking through some letters, and the button collection, and said, “I think I want to be a genealogist for plan C.” I said, what are plan A and B? And she said Plan A is a heart surgeon, and plan B is an editor.

I like the sound of all of her plans. I’m glad she is interested in Genealogy!

And on a parting Note, Both of our Girls were mentioned in the paper: Melinda for A Average grades, and Hannah for A-B average grades. Ironically, Hannah has had her computer time reduced as a punishment, because the only reason she got any B’s was not doing/handing in her homework. Her test scores were exceptional otherwise.

I’m still a Proud Parent all the same.  </parental boasting mode>

Posted on 1 May '10 by , under Activities, school. 1 Comment.