Pictures from the St Croix trip

Remember, you can click on pictures to make the bigger.

Melinda getting to ride XXX down the mountain. While the picture looks peaceful  the trip was rather exciting.


Melinda learned how to cinch the tack on the horse. She did a good job for only doing it a time or two before.


This was where the horses came down to to get fed and brushed. It’s as in the middle of the bush as it looks.


I like this picture at the mountaintop.


Hannah appears to be saying “I’m on a horse!” I’m glad to see the good posture.. On Hannah.. Rockwell just seems to be saying “don’t let me fall off!”


Here is the Tan Tan tour guys.. Rockwell got to go on a 4 wheel adventure up in the mountains. I wish I could have gone! It sounded like it was FUN.


The Tan Tan tour was part of one of Rockwell’s friends Birthday parties. Here are the friends from the party playing on the beach.


In this same park was the Mural that Hannah had a hand in last year! As you might know, Hannah was part of a small group of kids (15?) that had the opportunity to work with the Coral Conservation Corps program. They did all sorts of activities that where aimed at learning about the coral reefs and their preservation. At the end of the program, they made some relief sculptures, and the CCC had them mounted on a building in the park! Perhaps Hannah will be able to come back here with her kids and point to this and say, “Hey, I made on of those!”


Here is the whole display. (remember, you can click on the pictures to make them bigger.)


Here is the one that Hannah and another participant made. I think it s great!


The family on the beach.


Melinda and I messing with the panorama function on the camera… sorta funny, Melinda followed as I moved the camera.


Posted on 15 January '13 by , under Activities, Holidays, Messages to friends and relatives., St Croix. No Comments.