Long time no blog… Sorry.

The latest and greatest news?

HMR have a new Cousin!!!!

Lars was born on the 18th in Geneva Switzerland!

August 18th at 00:38. He measured 51cm (that’s 20.1 inches) at birth and weighed 3.45kg (that’s 7.6 pounds).

Here He is with the proud Papa, Juerg.

This week, H started School- First grade! She really likes school, and was looking forward to it.

She insisted on riding her trike there.

Here she is, waiting to be let into her class for the first time… I’m not sure what’s is going through her mind at this time..

Here is M playing with the Lincoln Logs… We have a BUNCH of them. Gotta love Ebay.

Talking about Ebay, that is part of why I have not written in a while.. I’m approaching day zero for my Ebay Drop off store grand opening. Not familiar with the concept? Ask me about it on the debate forum.

I guess I will show this one to show the proud new parents what NOT to let your young children play with..

This week, I hired a couple guys to paint the 713 house… It REALLY needed it. Fortunately, the lead guy is really picky, and if they do as good of a job painting, as they are doing stripping the place, its going to be a great paint job.

And finally, Today we went to the “park with no fence” as K likes to call it. Its a really nice little park, on a busy street – with no fence.

Posted on 20 August '04 by , under Uncategorized.