K and the walmart story was the subject of a special investigative feature on the local CBS affiliate. OK, so I work there, but it was still quite interesting. They called all the people that K had talked to (see CBS CAN check their sources if they really want to..:) and checked the facts. The walmart representative even gave K the credit for bringing the problem to their attention. The story was 10 minutes of the 5 o’clock and 6 o’clock news. My kids have been in the media more times than I ever have in my 40 years… Sorta’ strange.

Here is M being silly

So, anyway, The Augusta Chronicle calls this afternoon, and says “Can I talk to K E please?, This is the Augusta Chronicle, we heard that she knows about herb gardening, and we would like to interview her”.

Augusta might be the second largest metro in Georgia after Atlanta, but it’s still a small town. As I type this, she is being interviewed on the phone. I wish fortune came with a little fame..:)

M is going to be a princess for Halloween.

So, as you might know, Hurricane Ivan swiped us on its way up to Appalachia… Here is our hurricane damage.

OK, so actually I had not yet really attached them to the frame of my forge leanto, but the picture was impressive anyway. 🙂

Posted on 20 September '04 by , under Uncategorized.