Here is a status report from K:

Hi everyone, missing you terribly. It was avery long flight but no mishaps. We went to France yesterday and wandered around a bit. Today we wandered around Geneva on the buses and trains. Have a great time but really really miss everyone. H would love it here. Maybe she can come stay with aunt Teri for a summer when she’s a little older. Love you all kiss kiss kiss kiss hug hug hug. K

Maybe K can look for a job while she is there… If georgy boy wins next Tuesday, I’d be willing to bail this place and live in a hovel in Switzerland. The kids would still probably get a great education. That’s all I really care about at this moment.

[warning: parental boasting ahead]

Talking about that, I had a parent-teacher conference today with H’s teacher. H is doing great. She has advanced to doing 2nd grade work in Reading and Math in the computer lab, and the teacher says H loves to read so much, she wanted us to pursue the accelerated reading program where they focus on comprehension.

Be aware, we are not pushing H at all. All we have done is read to her every night. Now, she is starting to read to us, at her insistence. I love seeing that… It just what I hoped for. All I want us to do is keep an atmosphere where she really enjoys learning.

Learning is fun! I feel sorry for the kids that are taught to look forward to Friday, instead of Monday… It is taught, isn’t it?

Posted on 25 October '04 by , under Uncategorized.