Here is an update from K (Hot off the presses, It just came in a few minutes ago):

Bonjour, I miss everyone, sheiba too. Leaving my children for the week was possibly the most difficult thing I have ever done. Today we went to a small ski village , Chininoix in the French alps and then to the other side of the mountain thru a very long tunnel to a small town in Italy, Aousta. An ok day at first, eventually turned into a cold and rainy day but still had a very nice time. It was a long day, we just arrived home to teri and juergs this evening at 10:00 pm. We are all very tired, especially the baby, he is very thrown off his schedule this week, please forgive me Lars.

Love and miss everyone very much, K

We have been busy today! After H got to school, I got ready for M to go to pre-school. I found out the hard way that M did not have pre-school today.

M made a project (yesterday) that she wanted to show mommy:

After that misadventure, we went to the library for a children’s book reading. We saw R and M’s friend William there with his mom Chalice.

After lunch at home (hotdogs, mac&cheese, and yogurt) we went and picked H up from school. Here is M helping.

There is a strange sight on the way to the school. There are woods we pass that have stairs to nowhere.. There is no trail, or houses or any sign there ever was anything down the hill in the woods. I really wonder what these were for.

We are going to meet our friend Arthur SnoCap for dinner. I’m sorta’ copping out on eating… I have food at home ,but by 5pm its really easy to talk yourself into having someone else clean up after you… 🙂

Posted on 27 October '04 by , under Uncategorized.