Country Day Weekly News

Both Rockwell and Melinda are in this Edition.
Rockwell placed 3rd in his age group in a track competition, and Melinda had a part in the 5-6th grade play “Bunnicula”. Kath said the play went off really well.
Melinda and Rockwell received their report cards recently.. Melinda received her first b she ever got.. in Spanish. It’s sort of unfortunate, because all the kids in the school have been taking Spanish since they where in kindergarten, and this is the first year she has ever taken it. I’m impressed she received a B in this situation… Way to go Melinda! Rockwell received all “satisfactory” I guess they don’t give letter grades in his grade. He did really well, he loves math. All of his teachers love him. Actually, we received another “I wish all my students where like Melinda” note from a teacher. That always makes us feel good.
Anyway, Here is the newsletter.


Posted on 30 November '12 by , under Activities, kids, school.