Here is Hand R playing with the Noah’s Ark that Grandma and Grandpa Elser gave the kids last year. Can someone tell them its been a quite popular toy over the last year please? Thanx.

M went from never eating veggies to loving them. Go figure. I think that M will really be interested in the garden this year… Maybe this year I’ll take better care of the garden! The last entry on the garden blog was in July. What a lousy garden note taker I am. I’ll never learn what I did right or wrong at this rate.

Here is M and R playing in the Church nursery. Cute as a button. We have been spending a lot of time there lately, what with the morning and evening services on Sundays in advent… But the kids have fun with their friends there.

And, Fall comes a little late around here… Here is a movie of M and H playing in the leaf pile in the back yard. I think this might be the first time for M to do this.

Posted on 12 December '04 by , under Uncategorized.