Rocket Candy? Where was this when I was young.

I suppose its good I didn’t know about it.. I probably would have gotten into trouble. Who knew you could buy potassium nitrate (stump remover) at the hardware store, mix it with plain old sugar, and make rocket fuel? So fun! My friend Steve and his son made a half dozen of these this afternoon. It’s simply 3 inches of 1 inch PVC with a hose adapter as a nozzle. The performance was impressive! The sugar is the fuel, and the potassium nitrate is the oxidizer. You can read more about it on Wikipedia: Rocket Candy.

Anyway, here is one of them being launched today. Sorry, I should have gotten pictures of the process.. but I was too wrapped up in it and forgot to document it.


Posted on 26 May '13 by , under Activities, Friends.