Last night K took H and H’s friend Sara to see “STOMP” the percussion stage show. They said they really had a great time! Although you couldn’t tell from H’s face..

Tonight, I took the girls to the Mexican candy store (“Dulceria”) I found yesterday.. They picked out various candies..”Dulce”, and paid for it at the register. It was pretty entertaining.. Some they would put in their mouth and say “mmmm good”, and others they spit out.. Yuck!. As it turns out Mexican candy can be strange.. They have a fascination with spicy candy.. Like, candy dipped in chile powder spicy… I guess its an acquired taste.

M was being silly in the bathtub. So, It’s my duty to take a picture of it.

So, I’m sitting at lunch, reading the paper, and I come across this article with MY name in it..Yikes! It is something I have been doing on the side.. Quite slowly, but somewhat consistently.. For a while now. (You can see what I have been doing at the snocap website) Anyway, the evidentially the owner was interviewed by the newspaper, and made a somewhat private project not so private anymore.. I guess I don’t mind.

Posted on 16 February '05 by , under Uncategorized.