Went for a walk to get ice cream today. How many other little towns in the south have anime posters on the street lights? It can’t be too many…

When we got there, R was ready to dig in.

K asked me how I got them to take their attention off the icecream… It was a fluke. I just called to H, and they all looked over.

K wanted to make sure that everyone realized that picture of her dad was taken around 1960, not 1943… I have another, more modern picture… I gotta guess this picture was taken circa 1979? He still has this bike. Its been through a half dozen remodels since then, and a whole lot of miles. He just got back from riding it to Daytona Beach, getting passed by a bunch of bikes.. On trailers… Going to the same place…
(OK, that last statement is an assumtion, but I know its true from experience)

Posted on 8 April '05 by , under Uncategorized.