Green Milk?

It’s been a theme between Hannah an Amber for a week now. Melinda posted a picture of her with green milk when they (Hannah and Amber) posted a picture of them eating at a Mexican restaurant. greenmilk

Then, a few days later, IMG_1045  

Then, this weekend, IMG_1056  

Amber and Hannah also got together to make some pie. It turned out well! Excellent, actually. Oh, and they are goofballs   pie  

Hannah messing around at a Anime drawing class she takes. Or was this young makers? Hmm.. Now that I think about it, It was Young Makers. IMG_1052  

Yesterday I ran with pastor Roy.. longest ever.. >8 miles. Some walking involved.
Also, on a side note, we have a new layer in the family. She lays blue eggs. sort of neat. I hope they get bigger than that though. IMG_1063


Posted on 28 May '14 by , under Activities, chickens, Friends.