Never give up!

As you know, Hannah was dissapointed in not getting into the SCGSSM (Gov. school of Science and Math). But don’t ever let anything get in your way. Kathi’s sister Teri found a Science and math School in Switzerland that was very interested in Hannah attending. They said they dont often get female exchange students that like Science and Math! Well; They got one now.


A note that Teri mentioned on facebook:

I will add here (not too much pressure ) Kantonalschule Alpenquai is the best highschool in Central Switzerland. We have 4 levels of HS when kids leave 6th grade if the have an 5.2 grade pt ave out of 6 they go to Kantonalschule. Next lower is Oberstufe A, then Oberstufe B and then C level. Hannah will be with the top top students all around.

No, not too much pressure.


Posted on 16 June '14 by , under school.