Congratulations to my Godson DAVid, and his new Bride Whitney (Whit, Supa, et al)

We’re so Happy for them. God smiled on them as they had the perfect Day for their outdoor wedding at camp.. We hear it was a total success. It will be remembered, as far as weddings go, for a long time. I like the new tradition of cutting wedding cake with a leatherman… It is officially a tradition now, right?
God bless you two, We love you very much and miss you very much. H and I are going to take a trip up one of these weekends before the summer is over to visit you.
Love, E,K,H,M,R
(ps: It took me a bit to figure out where “Supa” came from.. I’m getting dense in my old age..)

For some reason, people (mother inlaws come to mind) have made fun of our kids riding a trike instead of a bicycle (not teasing them, rather teasing US, K and I) It’s a good trike.. Made by “fun time”. And its big enough that you can get going pretty fast on it, meaning you have to lean into your turns otherwise you flip off.

What does this have to do with riding a bike? Well, H has been riding that trike for a while now. Two days ago, she hopped on her friends two wheeler and what do you know.. She can ride it. I never had to help her once. Actually, she ran into the house and said “Hey Dad, wanna’ see me ride a two wheeler?”
I was rather impressed.

The other day we went to the park, and a couple new Things were installed.. Like this teeter-totter.

Silly picture of H getting high on the swing.

R does not like the baby swing anymore.. He must be like his big sisters… Holding on for dear life, of course…

R inherited a cool toybox from his Uncle Paul… Remember R, you Gotta” give it back to Paul when he has kids…

R had the Chicken pox the WORST! Poor boy.

M had them pretty bad too, but took it in stride. H had a light case, but was miserable for a couple days.

I was playing with my camera the other day.. Anyone care to guess what this is?

Posted on 30 May '05 by , under Uncategorized.