We have too many bicycles.
We have three tricycles and 10 bicycles, and one unicycle.
Only one of the bicycles is not fully functional.
Only two of them were purchased new (H’s this summer, and K’s in 199..5?)

People are constantly throwing out perfectly good bicycles. Its hard for me to pass them up.
I have been toting around a couple of these bicycles for many years.
The big tricycle? Purchased that in ~1996 in a forest park antique shop window for $25. I knew my future kids would like it.
Melinda has a very cool blue Schwinn Pixie with a banana seat. It is in mint condition (I do have to replace the innertubes, they don’t hold air for long anymore) I found it in the garbage in… Get this… 1988 when I lived in Palatine Ill. Its really a work of engineering. It weighs twice as much as the new bikes its size, (16 inch) but rides like a Cadillac. And is just as easy to pedal.

There are about 4 walmart specials in the mix, but still, they work perfectly fine, and the kids ride them all.

But alas, some of them are going to have to go. I think it will probably be the walmart specials.
Ill donate them to the local resale shop. Heck, they aught to be worth $5. (sigh)

Breaking news.. we should get our camera back soon.

Posted on 29 September '05 by , under Uncategorized.