We Went to Luther Point at lake Thurmond, Its a campground that the church maintains. We can go whenever we want, and I look forward to going more often when the kids get a bit older.
Anyway, we had out church service there today. And the kids got to go swimming.

Do you remember swimming with three inches of mud that would squeeze between your toes? Well, here is that memory being implanted.. (Click on the picture for a QuickTime movie ~1meg)

And, H decided she wanted to take communion. We said she had to talk to pastor about it, so we made a appointment and she talked to him about it this week.
So, this is H’s first communion. It was a little foreign for us, but after thinking about it, as long as H knows what the meaning is, I’m good with it. (click on the picture for a QuickTime movie, <1meg)

Posted on 2 October '05 by , under Uncategorized.