Rockwell Science Project; 3D Bridge Breaking

Science Fair projects. So far, this is a little bit of a failure, Because its TOO successful?? Rockwell had our friend Charles J Gantt help him design and 3D print out some bridges for his science fair project… Well.. so far, we can’t break them! Even the ones that are made out of PLA ( “Polylactic Acid” a bio based decomposeable plastic) are holding over 275 pounds so far! Rockwell is sort of scared to be around it at that weight.. and I don’t blame him. We will be taking it outside this weekend and Iwill help him near the end… I don’t want it falling though the floor when it gives way. smile. They are 300mm wide with 3mm thick walls if you are wondering. Charles.. we might have to print out some 2mm thick ones?? Maybe you can test that new manufacturers product for them!!

Pictures to come. 🙂

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Posted on 29 January '15 by , under projects, school.