H, fresh out of the pool. The pool is starting to get cold! brrr she says.

K took a wonderful picture of a praying mantis in our front yard today.. It was snatching bees off the flowers and eating them. This was the second bee we saw it eat. They were big bees too! It seems to be saying.. “Hey, your interrupting my dinner here…”

H’s front tooth finally came out.. With a little help from dad.. 🙂 H was playing with it, and I said, “Let me see…” It was so loose that I got my fingernail under it and yanked it down and it fell into H’s lap. Her reaction was “Hey, what just happened??” She was surprised and quite happy it was finally out.. Looks like the Tooth Fairy is going to visit tonight. H left out her crown teira and ceptre to impress the tooth fairy. And wrote her a note, but we were not able to read it.

Posted on 20 October '05 by , under Uncategorized.