OK. Gotta tell you about this one.

I’m posting this from a table at taco bell in little ol’ N Augusta, SC. while I am eating lunch. (Im having a double decker taco, and a 7 layer burrito, if your curious) click to see the Map of where I’m at here (FYI, my house is at the “h” in “sunset hights”, just to the left of the star on the map.)

They have a free 802.11b (WiFi) internet access point here. (Its unsecure too!) I dont know about you, but I think that is pretty cool. Too bad I dont have the email function active yet on my (company provided, I wouldnt spend the extra bucks) cell phone camera… Otherwise I’d have a picture of me sitting here for you too..

Technology… ain’t it grand?

Im still going to counsul my children not to get into it for a living..:)


Posted on 12 April '04 by , under Uncategorized.