Nothing real special going on, and I’m at a bit of a loss for something to post… SO I guess I’ll default to a bit of geneology.

Here is a classic that any Elser should not do without. It is great grand father Rudolph Elser and the family, circa ~1880. (The original family emigrated to America in 1869, coming over on the Ship “the Westfalia” . (picture taken in the states- Probably Chicago) (click on picture for large version to download.)

And here is a cool ebay aqisition.. It is a small shot glass from the Chicago worlds fair, Columbian exposition. Its over 100 years old. It is signed “Carrie Elser”. And is from the “shrine temple” on Michigan avenue, the worlds tallest building at the time. Carrie is the little girl on Anna’s lap in the middle of the above picture. Our “Cousin” Carrie would have been about 15 years old at the time, and was in Chicago. I will assume it is our Carrie! Kinda’ neat.

Posted on 16 April '04 by , under Uncategorized.