Easter Egg hunt at the Shealy Plantation today. The kids had their helmets on, ready for the battle. (note for next year.. bring bigger baskets for the plunder)

R wouldnt take just any Easter Egg.. It had to have something in it before it was worthy of his taking.

R is such a sugar hound.. I have never seen anything like it. Was I like that when I was a kid??

Afterword while we were cleaning up, H and M got to go swimming. H was really adventurous. She was trying to do flips.. Here is one of her first tries. (click for a Quicktime movie.. not too big)

Here is one of her last ones.. Man I heard that leg slap the water. It had to hurt. But she didn’t let anyone know it.

Posted on 15 April '06 by , under Uncategorized.