Today was busy… Kath had a yard sale, while Hannah, Melinda, Rockwell and I went and picked straberries in a strawberry patch. They liked that of course. After we were done there, I donated my time and cotton candy machine to the “family fun fair”, a party at the Augusta Commons sponsored by The local Toyota Dealership, a radio station, MCG (Medical College of Georgia) and the teevee station. The proceeds went to the Childrens hospital. For the amount and calibre of sponsors, we only ended up making less than 100 Cotton Candies.. rather dissapointing turnout for such a big production on a great day.

After Church tomorrow, we are going over to Aurthur Shealy’s moms house. While the girls and their friends are swimming, Arthur is going to make a strawberry sorbet with fresh picked strawberries.

Here is a picture of Rockwell at Church. Seems like he is pretty happy, ehe?

Here is a picture of Hannah and Melinda fooling around on the couch. I really hope they always get along as well as they do at this age…. What are my odds? Any experienced people willing to tell?

Posted on 24 April '04 by , under Uncategorized.

One Comment to “”

#1 Posted by Hannah Elser (12.12.12 at 22:24 )

I’d say that we’re doing pretty good. And all that I’m doing by saying this is procrastinating on a really easy project… still. The same one that I’ve been procrastinating on for the past couple of hours.