Chris accused me of doctoring the fire photo from David’s bachelor party. Probably because he got in trouble for it somehow.
Well, he was at it again at moms party! But this time he took it just a bit too far, deciding to actually sit down. Chris, you can move to South Carolina if you like it hot!

We know which one of these people is the boss!

The required family picture.. Click for a bigger version.

My Cousin Ronny’s Son Ron Perry Jr. This picture made me feel older than the rest for some reason.

The Oehmen’s Kicking back and taking it easy.

Just like old times.

Mom liked her Sign.

Nephew Matt with Nephew once removed Nolan.

Brother Chris with his granddaughter AM.

Click on this picture for a performance of “Time marches on” (Written by Tracy Lawrence) performed by Cousin TJ Oehmen. I’m impressed! (~2meg.. Not bad)

aww. How cute.

On the way Back I saw Nicholas Cage at the airport in New Jersey

Posted on 28 May '06 by , under Uncategorized.