We went to Luther Point on Strom Thurmond Lake on the 4th of July.. The kids had a blast.

I Think they were looking at a butterfly under the table.. I just thought this was funny.

Finally! Dad lets us get out in the water to go swimming! It was a fun time. We found a sand bar out away from the point, and were able to walk pretty far out into the lake.

I think the Church should have more services here. Its not that far away, and really nice.

How cool is it to live in a little town, yet they have an atom in the logo? I think that’s sorta neat. Actually, I think this might be the old logo. North Augusta had a large percentage of engineers and scientists living in it from 1950’s on, because it was not very far from the Savannah River site, a cold war nuclear processing facility. I would have liked to thought that this would have caused it to be a little more liberal than its neighbors, but I have not seen any proof of that. I really do like NA though. The picture on the top of the logo is “lookaway hall” (and the racist monument) where the founder of the town used to live. And, coincidentally, what we see when we look out our front window.

The fireworks are on the river each 4th. Click on this for a video of some fireworks in little ol’ Augusta. Hannah took this video. The hoot at the end was some drunk behind us.

People from NA usually congregate on the 13th street bridge. This photo does not do the amount of people justice.

Former Neighbors Sara and Mary, and friends from Florida came by to visit. Kath took them to “Jumpin Beans” to wear them out. Kath said it was nonstop play.

These balloons keep getting bigger!

Rock and Mary. I guess Mary was the only one that wasn’t tired by the end. A little ball of energy that couldnt stop moving.


If the bouncy thing was not enough, they rounded off the day with a visit to the fountain in Augusta. I bet they were forced to pose for this picture before they were allowed to go play in the fountain.. Just my guess. 🙂

Posted on 8 July '06 by , under Uncategorized.