Sorry for the lack of posts lately. LOTS has gone on. My Dad Passed, Hannah went to her first “youth” event at church (a bowling night) We came back from the beach, we visited Kath’s Brother Bobby and his wife Robyn and their new baby boy Troy, and a couple other important events I cant even remember right now. Part of why the lack of posts is.. For some reason, I don’t like posting when I cant post pictures, and my computer was in a million pieces because we were having the room it was in painted while we were on vacation.
Enough of the excuses. I will post more often.
Before I get to the pictures, I want to mention something that is very special about Melinda. She is a dyed in the wool saver. verging on miser? I don’t know. She might be able to put me to shame when she grows up.
Some examples.
Candy. She hoards candy. She will eat a piece or two, and then put the rest in a special box that she has just for candy she is “keeping”. The M&M’s Mom gave all the kids for a snack on the long ride home? She still has half of them. From a 900 mile trip can you imagine? This afternoon, I gave them all a swizzler stick (red licorice) an hour later, she still has a piece of it in her mouth. She is just sucking on it. Its amazing. Money? It all goes in her bank. She gets ME to buy something for her when we walk to the gas station, or she goes without. I don’t know where she learned this, but Hannah wanted to borrow 5$ from her while on vacation.. She said, sure, but you have to pay me 6$ back… Wha..?
She has patience, that is for sure.

OK. Some pictures are in order.
Introducing Kathi’s Brothers son, and our kids cousin, Troy Sideikas. That makes Bob Sideikas’s fourth grandson. First was Christopher, then Rockwell, then Lars, Now Troy.
Interesting names are not at a shortage in this family. First, the professional photo.

troy sideikas

Now the questionable family photo.

family together to see Troy

Melinda is entering Kindergarten this year! Here she shows she can spell her name.

melinda spells her name

Hannah and Melinda decided that they would have some fun with Melinda’s hair.

melinda with funny hair

Silly children.

Hannah and Rock with flower stickers

Posted on 12 August '06 by , under Uncategorized.