[parental boasting] Hannah caused a stir in class today… I guess the teacher usually marks the AR (accelerated reading program) progress board on Mondays. The books that the class typically reads are worth .5 to 2 points. (animorphs, secrets of droon, etc. Average 120 page books) Hannah was doing really well with ~20 points for the year so far.
So, today, the teacher adjusts the board, and Hannahs score jumps by 13 points…
I guess all the other kids had the equivalent response of “what the heck!?” and asked how that happened.
What happened was this weekend she read the second Harry Potter Book (~340 pages), and took the test today. It was worth 14 points! (H scored 90% on the test, so she lost a point)
Needless to say all the AR kids in the class were signing up for the Harry Potter books![/parental boasting]

Posted on 16 October '06 by , under Uncategorized.