Hannah found a cheap 35mm Camera at a resale shop that she wanted, it set her back a whole dollar. In the process of finding film for it, I found two old rolls that were unidentified.
Off to the photostore! When we got them back, we found out they were from when Melinda was a baby, and Hannah was Rockwells age. (about 5 years ago) Film that sits open that long deteriorates, so, sorry for the quality.. But its fun to see old pictures that you never knew you had. Here are a couple. Hannah use to love this swing. She could not go high enough. Seriously. She was not a normal 3+ year old.
Click on the pictures to make them larger.

Melinda, dressing up for us. This is just the beginning…

Here is Hannah on the trike.. I had to attach blocks to the pedals for her to reach them.

My, what big eyes you have.

Sorry Rockwell, no pictures of you this time. At this point, you were just a gleam in your fathers eye. 😉

Posted on 3 January '07 by , under Uncategorized.