Along with the girls, I take a friends son to school every morning.. That boy, Cameron, had his 8th birthday party recently. He had a bowling party, and we had lots of fun. Here is Hannah.. “If I keep bowling like that, I’ll never reach 300!”

Melinda couldn’t wait to get back and pick up the spare…

And here is Rockwells first time at bowling! He did really well. (click on the picture for a QuickTime movie ~5meg)

As you all know, James Brown, “the godfather of soul” died recently. He was from these parts, and will really be missed. Kathi took R to the statue. Here is Rockwell hanging out near his statue downtown, With all of the memorial flowers and gifts around it.

We are considering renting the upstairs apartment out for masters… This is one of the pictures I took of it.

The girls printed out some fingernails from the computer, and got creative…

Here is yet but one more of Melindas collections.

And yet another one.

Kathi “hosted” a princess party for Melinda and a couple of her best friends from school last Friday.. Just for fun.

Here is one of the last pictures of R with long hair. Personally, I like it long..

Here is one of Rock with short hair. I suppose he looks fine either way.

Have any of you seen the youtube videos titled “will it blend”? They are pretty funny, IMO. (click here for a link to one of them) Anyway, Hannah thought of her own combination they aught to try in the blender. (click on the picture for a QuickTime movie ~5M)

Posted on 21 January '07 by , under Uncategorized.