Hannah and Melinda had a thing they call “write night” at their school, where they invite the parents to come and write a letter to their kids. Neat idea. Usually sorta’ limited turnout.
This evening there was quite a good turnout, as it was a “starry night” theme with telescopes, hot chocolate (needed, because it was cold! ~40.. brr) and a bonfire (that no one was allowed to stand near..ha).

The local science center/observatory lent the school 5 refractor telescopes (nothing special) but it was neat to look at bright objects like, oh.. The moon with?

Even Rockwell thought looking at the moon was pretty neat.

(actual picture taken tonight)

Here is a picture that I really produced poorly. Hello Ed, the fire was part of the picture and you covered it up showing Melinda’s scrunched up face.
So far this might be the poorest picture on the whole 4 years of the blog.

Later, the girls and I played eye spy… Tonight we ended up finding games on the shelf in the girls room with two letters together in the name of the game… This was down right strange.. Who knew there were so many??

Chutes and ladders
Guess Who
Connect Four

Its a two letter conspiracy!

Posted on 26 January '07 by , under Uncategorized.