
So, it appears that Kerry is going to get the nomination for the democratic ticket for the 2004 presidential election.

This was the first year I really had a strong connection with a presidential candidate.

I was a Doctor Dean man.

I took the democratic candidate test at “selectsmart”

(There is also a good quiz HERE If you wonder what party holds your views.)

Anyway, at select smart, my choice was:

1. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT – Democrat (90%)

2. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH – Democrat (83%)

3. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR -Democrat (82%)

13. Bush, President George W. – Republican (0%)

As you can see, Im not hot on Bush.

But I’m also not hot on Kerry. Sure, he is a decorated war veteran (good thing) But he did two things that I cannot condone with a vote for the guy.

1) He supported the ironically named “Patriot” act that takes away civil liberties like no other before it.

2) He voted to give bush the right to declare war, a right that never should be in the hands of one human.

What to do, What to do.

Anyone have a third party candidate I should consider?

Posted on 8 February '04 by , under Uncategorized.