All the pictures are not very good this time.. They are all out of my cell phone. Some day, they will put real cameras in cell phones.
As a continuation of the bottle excavation story.. Here is a sampling of just a portion of the bottles we dug up.

Rockwieler has gotten the short end of the deal with pictures lately.. I suppose Ill try making it up.
Here he is having fun in one of the blow up carnival things (taken through a window, with the cell phone.. Extra bad. 🙂

R and I rode our bike to my work this weekend. Here R is at master control.. Don’t get any ideas Rockwell, I have hope you have higher aspirations than working in media!

Rockwell can finally ride the big trike. Well almost.. You can see his foot does not quite reach, But he compensates quite well.

Hannah and I were in the back yard, and there was a big carpenter bee flying around. I told H that the ones with the white forehead are males and don’t have a stinger (true) so we both tried catching one with our hands, but both of us chickened out every time we got close!! (I’m not believing those entomologist on NPR until I see it for myself I guess!) But H did not give up, and finally caught it with a bucket. Its true! They don’t have stingers!

While we were digging bottles, we came across a snake! It turns out it was an adult rough green snake common around these parts. I was careful to pick it up and check it out, but Hannah said “come on Dad! Its safe! Its just a little green snake!” Turns out she was right. PetCo even sells them as pets. I don’t think mom would have wanted a pet snake around though.. 🙂

Posted on 12 March '07 by , under Uncategorized.