Last weekend was the first (annual?) Yellow Jasimine Festival in Little old N.A.
A statue of the founder of our city, James U Jackson, was dedicated. Here he is before being revealed.

And here is what he looks like! tada! The people standing in front of it are decendants of James U Jackson. A great story goes with this statue. The artist that created it, aslo created a statue of former SC senator Strom Thurmond for the town where he was raised (its about 20 morth of us). Evidentially it was too lifelike, and they wanted her to take it back and remove a double chin. Well, she did, but she also added a bronze cockroach under his suit. It too about 4 years for someone to discover it. I guess the town fathers were not to pleased.. but I think they left it there.

We got to draw with Chalk in the middle of the street. Thats always fun. We had Melinda lay in the street and we traced her. She colored herself in.

Just a funny picture. (that mark is NOT supposed to be on her forehead..?)

Another one. This is during the fireworks in front of the house. The kids were yelling at me telling me to stay on the porch or I’d get hit with debris. As it turns out, a peice of debris landed on the chair I was (not at the time) sitting in! (Melinda has it in her hand. its a white peice of plastic)

Here is a the view from our porch! Click here to see a short video.

Hannah made 12000 pages on her pagemaster list. I dont know about you, but that’s pretty astounding to me.

Posted on 6 May '07 by , under Uncategorized.