Cant seem to get the camera and the computer together… Lots of pictures you have not seen.. Ill try to post a little more often.. Heck, Even Greg has posted more than me lately! (eheh)

We went to Lake Strom Thurmond this weekend. It was a fine time. the kids had a blast. Click here for a movie of Kathi and the kids having a blast on a big bouncy thing that the Bushes brought to the lake.

Here they are, Hannah is in the background playin’ in the mud. That watermelon came out of our garden if you can believe it!! Hannah picked it herself.

We camp at “Luther point”, our churches camp ground. Its really nice, but hardly used. sorta sad when you think about it. Here is Melinda with a friend from church, the only other family there this 4Th of July weekend… Melena bush.

Posted on 8 July '07 by , under Uncategorized.