
Hannah on her first day of school… with a cast! What a way to start. She is not letting it get in her way though. (unfortunately?)

Guess who came for dinner. Hannah found her in the yard. Kath is not that pleased. But Kathi is also a sucker for a needy squirrel.

Reminding me of Stephanie’s blog… Here is a random picture found in the camera. It’s Rockwell’s foot, so he wont be able to talk himself out of this one that easy.

What else can I say but cute? Man, until you handle one of these things, you cant comprehend just how much God built them for trees. They are amazing with their feet.

Kathi learned of the southern practice of “rag curling” (I guess?) Man, it really works!! Hannah’s hair was still curly even after being out in the rain!

I’m sure to get in trouble for this one. Dad feeding the kids. But come on, at least they like a vegetable. (Click on the picture for a video of life at our dinner table. It compliments the picture, and will really get me in trouble. Manners? what are those?)

She is going to be an architect designer lawyer when she grows up. But for the time being she will have to settle for beautiful.

Posted on 4 September '07 by , under Uncategorized.