Melinda made this for her mom.. Its a chair. It was her idea, and she even nailed in the nails. (I helped) pretty neat, i would say.

Hannah admiring her new collection of box car children books from her Godfather David. Numbers 1 through 41 with a couple specials mixed in. Hannah thought that the fact they were early editions (with the “now in paperback” sticker in the front of some of them) was pretty cool.

She had them spread on her bed like this for two days, while she slept on the floor. (Until her mom told her to get back into bed 🙂 ) (Notice she is on book #3)
Annemarie is next in line to receive these.. anyone else want to sign up for the “box car children book club”?

OK, this was one of my receipts for gas along the way to Indiana. Now here is the problem… the price is a constant, and the amount IN DOLLARS I pump is the variable.. the result should be that I received 2.002 gallons, not under 2!! Evidentially, when you pump gas, your really getting your gas in the amount of gallons. the problem with THAT is that you can’t pump.001 of a gallon, it steps by 10ths. so what on earth is it at 1.99 for, and not 2?? damn them.
(and for those of you wondering why I got 2 gallons, my challenge was to return the car with as little gas a possible to the rental place.. and I succeeded!)

Ah, what you have been waiting for. It was a joyous celebration of the happiness of two wonderful young people .:)
(click the first one for a larger version)

Posted on 15 November '07 by , under Uncategorized.