[Warning! severe Parental bragging ahead]
We are so proud of all of our children. Every one of them did very well in school. Rockwell has mastered most all of his “requirements” and the teachers say he is a “joy to have in class”, Melinda got ALL A’s in 1st grade, including classroom conduct, and is also a “joy to have in class”, and Hannah has been asked to participate in the Duke Univerity TIP program for children scoring in the 95th percentile and above in standardized national testing. Hannah is currently scoring in the 97th percentile in language and math. Hannah has A’s and B’s this quarter, and has raised her overall average to a’s and b’s too. (That c in reading has moved up) She has also received a A in her advanced classes to. We asked her what she thought about the special classes, and she said they were “easier than regular classes”. I like to assume that means she is being challenged and is not bored.. that’s a good sign! (of course, she probably likes the more individual attention too.)
[/severe Parental bragging]
Ok, Im done…… for now! 🙂

Posted on 25 January '08 by , under Uncategorized.