Happy Birthday Melinda!
7 years (and one day) old!

Melinda had a Hawaiian Luau party with her friend Raven. The kids had a lot of fun in a pool on a hot day in SC. Thats the best.
Here is a pic of Melinda enjoying the pool.

While, as normal, Kathi did all the real work… I got the honor of making the cake. Melinda wanted a volcano cake. I made a piston out of a water bottle, and powered it with a whip cream can (edible, and regulated the speed) and filled the water bottle with vanilla pudding (colored orange/red for lava, of course..) Hey, I think it worked OK. see for yourself. (click on picture)

Posted on 21 July '08 by , under Uncategorized.

2 Comments to “”

#1 Posted by Anonymous (21.07.08 at 22:44 )

Very cool cake. My boys would love it!! Happy Birthday Melinda!!

#2 Posted by Core (22.08.08 at 17:02 )

An erupting volcano cake? What a cool dad!