You know, its interesting how many different types of bugs you come across when your paying attention.
Here is a Black Widow that my FIL saved for us. He found it in his garage.

And I found this one at the transmitter site yesterday. Its called a “Cow Ant”, or “Velvet Ant” but its actually a wingless wasp. They are quite pretty, but they have a really nasty sting. In reading up on this guy I found out that slaves hated them, because it was common to step on them in the cotton fields, and they typically did not wear shoes.
Interestingly enough, this ones “shell” is the hardest one I have put a pin through yet.. including the beetles. It was hard to do!
This guy is pretty big at about an inch long.

Posted on 13 August '08 by , under Uncategorized.

2 Comments to “”

#1 Posted by 4kids4 (14.08.08 at 09:28 )

yikes!! I really DON”T care for spiders.
Cool looking ant though:)

#2 Posted by momv (21.08.08 at 22:37 )

so how is gigi doing? we just said bye to maggs 🙁