OK.. So Kathi is feeding the squirrel, and the doorbell rings. So, instead of setting it down, she puts the feeding towel over it (its on her chest) and answers the door.
It’s our neighbor, Jeep. And he asks her “Can I pull a truck in your back-backyard? I need to pull some squirrel nests out of the tree that is over my porch.. they are making a mess”

Just about the time Kathi is saying “yes, sure.”, the squirrel pokes its head out from the towel.

Jeep: “..is that a… Squirrel?”

Kathi, sheepishly: “yes”

Jeep: “..I promise not to kill the squirrels.. I just want to get rid of the nests…”

Kathi has to explain to him that she does not have any super special fondness to squirrels, its just that the kids keep fining them as babies,they like watching her to raise them..Yada yada.

Its notable that Jeep is the SCEG (south Carolina Electric and Gas) Area Maintenance supervisor.. and likely has a strong aversion (to put it politely) to squirrels considering the damage they do to electrical distribution.

Posted on 25 September '08 by , under Uncategorized.