Sorry i have not posted on a while.. I’m in the same boat as stephm right now.. no camera. and when I cant post pictures, Its weird posting. Would people really want to hear me drone on?
Anyway.. We had a bit of an adventure yesterday. I went on a field trip to the brick pond park in north Augusta. Its a wetland area near the river that the city uses as a natural runoff water cleaning process. Its really neat. For people from Chicago Area, They are planning for it to be a little like the “little red schoolhouse” in the forest preserve on the south side.
Hannah’s class was the first to go on a “nature walk” around it.
Click here: Brick Pond Park Field trip map
to see the path we took, and some pictures along the way. We walked from the school to the area. You might have to zoom in to the Google map that will show up. (“200ft” in the lower left corner seems to be good)
Also, if you just want to see the pictures, click “slide show” in the upper left corner.
Sorta cool, huh? I hope it works out for them.. its a great Idea!

Posted on 5 March '09 by , under Uncategorized.